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Shift Your Mindset in Minutes 

Did You Get Your Mindset Reframing Worksheet Yet?

You don't have to believe everything you think.

This free worksheet includes the how-to's, familiar examples, and the exact words to use to change your negative self-talk to a more positive and empowering mindset.

Click below to receive 8 world-class mindset shifts that will…

~ Identify common thoughts that are holding you back.

~ Give you exactly what to say to overcome negativity and self-doubt.

~ Shift your experience from fear and anxiety to excitement and joy.


As a hobbyist singer, have you ever doubted your talent or ability, wondering if you ended up in your ensemble due to sheer luck or they made a mistake? 

Do you avoid evaluations, auditions, and reviews because you dread others hearing you, just knowing the negative things they are thinking of you? 

When you succeed and are doing well, are you concerned you won't be able to repeat that success and you discount others' trust in you? 

Free Worksheet!

Grab Your Change Your Tune Mindset Makeover Worksheet today and start singing a different tune by your next rehearsal. 

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